Sunday, June 26, 2016


Hinges riveted to the aileron

Control work on left wing begins

Making the plates for my adjustable rudder pedals

The Strut Cover was held in place with 5-minute so I can come back and fill the gaps. 

Sunday, June 19, 2016


Inside of Forward nose sections glassed. They are installed but no picture was taken of installation.

Started cutting holes in the fuselage for strakes. Absolutely terrifying!

Last but not least is the bondo of the aileron hinge on the "aileron from hell". Every time during the pop riveting process something would go wrong, so I'd constantly have to sand, fill, and sand some more. Getting flox in the riveter, breaking rivets, off alignment just enough, and getting flox in the hinges have made this simple two short paragraph's worth of plans a real pain in the a**. So what did I do? Ordered more hinge and started over from the beginning!

Sunday, June 12, 2016


Nose sides are installed. 

Forward nose sides are still on the to-do list. 

Thursday, June 9, 2016


Rudder pedals mounted!

...Just kidding! But duct tape was used to temporarily fasten the pedals so I could think about positioning. I'd like to have them raised 1/2" to 1" in order to facilitate "tucking" my feet under the pedal for long flights as per the plans suggestion. My knees bump the panel pretty hard as it is. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Side blocks are cut to fit. 

Thinking about pedal positioning. 

Sunday, June 5, 2016


New nose structure finally glasses in place. 

Inside of nose bottom blocks are glassed. 

Blocks are micro'ed in place. 

Revised new rudder pedal design matches original-per-plans style.

Sunday, April 10, 2016


Winglet cores are joined together

Layup schedule marked and winglet in jig

Half of the complete skin finished and one happy Connor!

See a time lapse of the layup here:

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Test fitting the new nose structure. 

Ahhhhhh... CNC cut winglet cores.

Winglet foam being joined

Monday, March 7, 2016


Sitting to cure. 

Aileron checking, checking, and more rechecking. 

Moved the nose section to be with the fuselage. 

Old nose. 

No nose. The new nose section is sitting to fuselage's right. The NG3 and NG4 strut pieces had to be re-floxed (that explains all the clamps). But at least now the new nose will be ready to be installed. 

Friday, March 4, 2016


Glasses the mini Ng-30's in place with two plies BID tape. 

Glassed new F6 with 2 plies BID.

Floxed NG8's in place and screwed in place. Will bolt together the entire nose assembly tomorrow so I don't get flox on the bolt. This whole thing will then be ready to be attached to the fuselage. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016


Needed some inspiration, so I downloaded a photo of Berkut 13! I've seen it up close and it is an inspiration. Now, every time I check my phone I'm reminded that I should be working on the EZ. Thanks to the canard desktop guys.

Also, my girlfriend AImi came over to help me glass the new NG-30's. Ordered hardware tonight so I can bolt things up soon. 

Friday, February 12, 2016


Cut glass circles and outside skin for NG-30. 

Then, manufactured NG8's. I botched the first set, but got it right the second time.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Friday, January 29, 2016


It's been a real crappy month. I don't have much to show for progress. I've been busy with JanTerm, a mini semester where I focus on one class for January. I learned to play Bridge, which has been a difficult experience. Anyways, I just noticed that my canopy from Todd's is not the correct length, so I have to take it back home to my dremel. Amazingly, the canopy fits in my Golf. Also, I had fits with the urethane railings around the canopy, but that's ok because they would have been incorrect due to the length issue anyway. 

Sunday, January 17, 2016