Wednesday, December 16, 2015


The aileron is temporarily attached and bondo'ed (gosh, I hate that stuff). Holes are drilled for pop rivets, then bondo is popped loose and sanded off. Rivets go in with wet flox. All the tubing for the controls will go in tomorrow.

Monday, December 14, 2015


Aileron is finished. Time to mount this sucker as soon as the epoxy cures!

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Here is the aileron ready for A2's, A5, and A10 to be bonded on the right aileron.

The CNC cutter has been resized to be large enough to cut the winglets (ooooooooooooo fancy), and that means we can finally get these chunks of foam out of the way.

Friday, August 14, 2015


Wow. I'm halfway through instrument flying to get my Private, then I'm ready for the checkride. And I've still been working on the Long!

The aileron trough on the Left wing was layed down today. 3 plies BID with an extra ply over the aileron hinge attach points. I was able to get it finished before I went to work.

Also, in order to fill my X-Country requirements, I flew to Mineral Wells to meet my dad for lunch. I also swung by to see his Quickie project.

His is a little closer to flying than mine.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Took a break from life and went to Oshkosh! All in all, it was pretty great. I even got Burt Rutan to sign my hat. I had heard that Oshkosh had become over commercialized in the recent years, and I could see how that was a reasonable claim.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


The inboard wing recess is almost sanded to shape. The president flies into the area tomorrow so I will not be able to fly.

Monday, June 29, 2015


Did layups 5 and 6 on the wing today, 2 plies UND over the wing attach bolt hole and 3 plies to cover the outer inboard recess. Remanufactured the CS128 bellhorn for the third time and finally got it within good tolerance.

I start my new job tomorrow. Solo'd in a 172 today and I'll continue working on my license. When I'm not flying or working, I'll carve out the inboard FC3 recess, then cut the ailerons and install hardware to finish the second wing. Easier said than done.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Pics of top skin

Here's a nice picture of my dad and I laying down some glass on the top wing skin. My grandma is the little old lady in the back mixing epoxy.

Also notice that I'm channeling my inner Burt Rutan. I've been growing those bad boys for a few months now.

Sunday, March 22, 2015


I spent the entire afternoon moving a CNC foam cutter for my dad. It was purchased as a kit by a guy at our RC flying club, and my dad helped put it together and get it working. That guy is moving houses and it's staying with us for a little while.

What does that mean?...
Precision-cut winglet foam cores!

Plus, no more screaming and cursing at each other to line up the wire.

Oh, and it all fits in the minivan because minivans are freakin' awesome.

Saturday, March 21, 2015


Oh boy! The second wing is now totally enclosed. This is the last large wing layup. I can pretty much do all others by myself from here. Top skin down in exactly 3 hours!

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Happy st. Patrick's day! Just remember: 8 hours between bottle and throttle!

I made some small metal parts including the internal rudder bellhorn assembly insides and a canopy safety latch. Don't laugh too hard at my machining skills.

Then, I routed the rudder conduit trough...

And then I sanded down the trailing edge (not totally yet).

Finally, I got a shipment from ACS with the goods for the winglets:

Hopefully, top skin will be put down on Saturday.

Sunday, March 8, 2015


It was a double whammy weekend. Laid the bottom skin on Saturday, then the top spar cap on Sunday.

Saturday, February 14, 2015


Laid the bottom spar cap in an hour exactly! What an improvement from 2 hours on the right wing!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


The wing needs to lay flat in order to layup the spar cap. My mom poked a hole in her shirt when she helped flip it.

Sunday, February 8, 2015


The right wing was in the way and it needed to be moved. We loaded it up and took it to the garage where we keep the big, completed pieces (spar, main gear, and canard). It all fits nicely on the side of the garage.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Left Wing Shear Web

Laid the shear web for the left wing in 3.5 hours. That's 1.5 hours less than it took us on the right wing! Our handiwork looks a little better too.

Monday, January 12, 2015

New Nose Bulkheads

I've been looking through other build logs for awhile. I've also known that I want to cut off the unfinished nose to replace it with a longer one. Ary J. Glantz's modification is my favorite, and he included the templates on his site to boot!

The two bulkheads and the baby NG-30s were all glasses on one side with BID tonight. They'll receive the same on the other side as well.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Below the shear web

LWA4's, LWA6, and W18's are attached to wing over access hole. I went ahead and cut the shear web glass, and I covered them with a garbage bag to make sure no dust gets to it.