Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Test fitting the new nose structure. 

Ahhhhhh... CNC cut winglet cores.

Winglet foam being joined

Monday, March 7, 2016


Sitting to cure. 

Aileron checking, checking, and more rechecking. 

Moved the nose section to be with the fuselage. 

Old nose. 

No nose. The new nose section is sitting to fuselage's right. The NG3 and NG4 strut pieces had to be re-floxed (that explains all the clamps). But at least now the new nose will be ready to be installed. 

Friday, March 4, 2016


Glasses the mini Ng-30's in place with two plies BID tape. 

Glassed new F6 with 2 plies BID.

Floxed NG8's in place and screwed in place. Will bolt together the entire nose assembly tomorrow so I don't get flox on the bolt. This whole thing will then be ready to be attached to the fuselage.